Abortion Stories (Connecticut)
Personal testimonies from women (and men) who have gone through an abortion.
Page Summary:
The 817 unsolicited abortion stories on these pages have come to Abort73 through our online submission form. Though not all women regret their abortions, these stories demonstrate that countless women do.
To share your own abortion story, click here for our online submission form.
To learn more about the potential psychological impact of abortion, read "Post-Abortion Syndrome."
If you're looking for "positive" abortion stories, read this.
"I was around 22 or 23 years old when I was persuaded by my boyfriend at the time to have an abortion. He came from a wealthy family living in New Canaan, CT. I was naive and believed him when he said my body would change and the it was the best decision. I was scared and uncertain, but eventually caved in and did it. I regret it every day, because the baby would have been financially set with…"
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Age: 39
Location: Stamford, CT
Date: June 26, 2019
"I found out I was pregnant on Valentine's Day of this year. It was two weeks before my 25th birthday, which I planned on celebrating in Miami. When I found out, I ran to my husband and cried. This would have been our fourth child together. We already have a four-year-old daughter, two-year-old daughter, and one-year-old son. The thought of bringing a fourth child into our already stressed-out,…"
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Age: 24
Location: Bridgeport, CT
Date: February 28, 2017
"It was 1974, I was 16, and he was my first love. We’d been together for two years when I found out I was pregnant. It was summertime, and I got sick. I thought it was a summertime flu because that's what it felt like. I couldn't get my fever down—it was like 104—so my mom took me to the emergency room. The doctor there was concerned because my red cell counts were very, very low, so they…"
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Age: 59
Location: Putnam, CT
Date: January 17, 2017
"To those who have written on here and are only a year or two past your abortion. Please consider counseling for your loss. I too had an abortion—at 17. My baby would be 40-years-old now. Hard to imagine. I struggled for years with post traumatic stress. It manifested as binge drinking, promiscuity, and other risky behaviors. I guess God preserved me for a reason. I finally pulled all those…"
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Age: 58
Location: Connecticut
Date: July 15, 2015
"My story...I was in high school...I think about 16...funny how details like my age I don't remember, but the details I wish I could forget are never going to be fuzzy...cheerleader...a kind boyfriend...seemed my parents and older siblings were known by just about everyone in town...I was the youngest...the smart student with tons of potential...social but not a partyer...a wanna be rebel...sneaking…"
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Age: 40
Location: Madison, CT
Date: January 9, 2014
"I'm eighteen, in college, and I made the dean's list. I do everything right, well I guess not everything. In college, I fell for a guy who was abusive and mean. He called me names and made me feel bad about myself. During this relationship, an old friend called me. He lifted my confidence, and told me that I deserved better. I left my old boyfriend and fell in love with my old friend. He was…"
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Age: 18
Location: Connecticut
Date: May 17, 2012