Abortion Stories (India)
Personal testimonies from women (and men) who have gone through an abortion.
Page Summary:
The 817 unsolicited abortion stories on these pages have come to Abort73 through our online submission form. Though not all women regret their abortions, these stories demonstrate that countless women do.
To share your own abortion story, click here for our online submission form.
To learn more about the potential psychological impact of abortion, read "Post-Abortion Syndrome."
If you're looking for "positive" abortion stories, read this.
"I'm still grieving. I miss my baby in heaven. My advice to all the people out there who’ve been thinking of doing the abortion: please don't do it. It will haunt you. I miss my miracle baby every day. I'm so sorry mommy could not protect you. Mommy wasn't ready during that time, so I told your papa, but he said he wasn't ready. If I knew that your papa wouldd leave me 15 days after my abortion…"
Click here to read this story in its entirety.
Age: 27
Location: India
Date: February 13, 2023
"When I was in 3rd grade, I met a new girl. We were best friends instantly. For a long time I had no idea how unbelievably lucky I was to have her as my friend. She was adopted from India and her family loves her. She is extremely smart and helped me through some really tough times. I knew that she was adopted and that she was born prematurely, but I was shocked to hear the whole story. We were…"
Click here to read this story in its entirety.
Age: 15
Location: India
Date: November 1, 2017
"We had a lovely, perfect relationship. Who doesn’t want such a relationship. She gave me everything I ever wanted, everything I ever needed. She is the strong beat deep in the chambers of my heart. But that heartbeat became faint and quiet as days passed. It’s a month now since we sent our baby to heaven. We knew we couldn’t afford to have a baby. We couldn’t sustain a…"
Click here to read this story in its entirety.
Age: 21
Location: Hyderabad, India
Date: July 20, 2016
"Today while I was browsing 14-week abortion images I came across your site, and here I am writing about my angel baby (who was aborted at) 14 weeks. I saw his cute little hands and C-shape curve and 2 tiny legs, covered in blood in an aluminum tray on April 9, 2007. To this day, I am still hurting for my aborted baby. I wanted it so much, but no one supported me. Being in India and Mumbai, I…"
Click here to read this story in its entirety.
Age: 42
Location: Mumbai
Date: February 18, 2013