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Live Action vs LeRoy Carhart

Live Action vs LeRoy Carhart


May 08, 2013 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Abortion in the News

Live Action released another undercover video this morning in their ongoing exposé of late term abortion. Today's offering is the fourth in a series they've dubbed "Inhuman." To me, it is the most remarkable of the bunch. With each new release—and they have produced dozens of these videos over the last few years, I marvel at how this group of relatively young and underfunded activists continues to make such fools out of abortion clinics across the country. Lila Rose, who founded Live Action and carries out most of their sting operations, has got to be the most recognizable pro-life advocate in America, and yet she continues to enter abortion clinics across the country where she exposes their counselors and physicians as unscrupulous reprobates. You'd think every clinic in America would have various photos of her behind their desk with the tag, "BEWARE!" Maybe they do, and yet she continues to slip through the cracks.

Why is today's video of particular note? Because today, the person shown on screen is one of the most notorious abortionists in the country—LeRoy Carhart. He is one of only four who will perform an abortion beyond the second trimester, and as revealed in the video, he is as willing to abort a perfectly healthy baby as he is to abort one with disabilities. Dr. Carhart was already in the news this year for abandoning one of his patients to die, after complications arose from her late-term abortion. That investigation is ongoing. In light of all this, you'd assume LeRoy Carhart would be among the most guarded and suspicious men in the entire abortion industry, and yet he is as cavalier in his crude, audacity as all the others—maybe more so. Included in his pre-abortion counseling is the following:

When questioned about what happens during the three days between the time the baby is killed by injection and the time it is delivered, he compares the dead baby to meat simmering in a crock pot—softening up, but not rotting.

When asked why there are only four doctors in the nation who perform abortions past 26 weeks, he laughs and says, "because nobody else will do it!"

When asked what he uses to dismember the baby if it must be removed in pieces, he jokes that he uses "a pickaxe (and) a drill bit." He then states that he uses "instruments that have been developed (for such things)." You'll find many of those instruments in our TOOLS OF MASS DESTRUCTION graphic.

After advising his patient that nothing should go into her vagina until three weeks after the abortion, he smiles and adds: "As I tell everybody, that includes fingers, friends, and fruit, OK?"

In a more serious tone, he instructs his patient that if a complication arises during the three-days between injection and delivery, she must call him, not 911.

When questioned about what might happen after the abortion, Dr. Carhart says that having an abortion gives you the freedom to be "a better person" in the future. He follows up by saying, "Postpartum depression is really very common, but abortion depression, I can honestly tell you that I haven't seen one person that way." He says he's never had anyone leave the abortion clinic "feeling worse than (when) they came." The women who have shared their stories with Abort73 would beg to differ. 

Dr. Carhart mentions that one of his patients tried to kill herself after the abortion, but he insists that she didn't try to commit suicide because of the abortion but because she regretted not having aborted her one-year-old child.

Each Live Action video would be astounding enough as a standalone piece, but taken collectively, the number of lies and concessions they've been able to capture on camera is almost unfathomable. And even though LeRoy Carhart doesn't get into what he would do should one of his aborted babies be born alive (as many other subjects have), his testimony is no less damning to those who are trying so desperately to differentiate abortion from infanticide. At one point in the video, Dr. Carhart speculates that he would have more chance of survival after getting hit by a 100-mile-an-hour train than a baby would have of surviving one of his abortions. At another point, he affirms that the babies he aborts could survive outside the womb if they were delivered without injection. In other words, Dr. Carhart kills babies, healthy or otherwise, who are old enough to be born and survive. Whether you call that abortion or infanticide, there is no moral distinction.

If any other high-profile industry was being exposed like this, over and over and on so many different levels, what a story it would be. But as was true with Kermit Gosnell, most media outlets want nothing to do with Live Action's videos—and so Lila Rose, perhaps the most courageous investigative journalist in the country, is relegated almost exclusively to Fox News—while her overwhelming body of work continues to pile up. Thank God for the internet! So if you're not already familiar with Live Action, it's time to get to know their work and start showing your friends what the networks aren't. Specifically, Live Action has shown Planned Parenthood's willingness to target minorities, to cover up statutory rape and sex trafficking, to perform sex-selection abortions, to lie about the medical services they provide and mislead women about prenatal development. As I said, were even one of these practices to be documented in another context, all hell would break loose. But the abortion industry gets a free pass. It's time to change that. You can help!

Michael Spielman is the founder and director of Abort73.com. Subscribe to Michael's Substack for his latest articles and recordings. His book, Love the Least (A Lot), is available as a free download. Abort73 is part of Loxafamosity Ministries, a 501c3, Christian education corporation. If you have been helped by the information available at Abort73.com, please consider making a donation.

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