The Abortion Catastrophe of 2023 (May Have Been Overblown)
Jan 26, 2025 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Abortion in the News
Last March, Guttmacher gleefully announced that “Despite Bans, (the) Number of Abortions in the United States Increased in 2023.” According to their estimates, America’s 2023 abortion total came in at 1,037,000. They have since amended that to roughly 1,029,000, but that still represents the largest year-over-year increase in nearly 50 years. I called it “The Abortion Catastrophe of 2023”—not least because it came directly on the heels of the largest drop in total abortions in American history. But now it’s January, 2025, and January is the month in which I’ve historically published Abort73's own annual abortion estimate based on available state level data. This year, of course, Guttmacher beat us to the punch—for the first time ever—but it’s increasingly looking like they got it wrong.
…The Good Samaritan Wasn’t Really Pro-Life. A Lesson from Alabama.
Oct 23, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Abortion in the News
It infuriates me to hear people sing the praises of the Good Samaritan. The only thing he did was to save some guy from death and pay for his immediate recovery—as if that’s all it means to be pro-life. Notice that he didn’t lift a finger to do anything for this man down the road. His kindness was one and done. Sayonara, friend. Have a nice life! Did this so-called Good Samaritan bother to pay for the beaten man’s safe transport to Jericho? No. Did he offer to cover any medical expenses he might incur from future attacks or injuries? Nope. Did he at least secure for the victim a good job that would offer him a living wage and paid paternity leave? Again, he did not. He didn’t care at all about this beaten stranger once he’d recovered. He simply abandoned him to his own devices. And yet we celebrate this man for his supposed love of neighbor. It’s outrageous.
In case you missed the irony, let me assure you that everything I’ve said to this point is complete and utter rubbish. The Good Samaritan is the Christ-ordained model of who your neighbor is and what it means…
The Most and Least Important Abortion has Ever Been
Sep 30, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Abortion Arguments
Abortion has never been more important to its proponents than it is right now. Nor less important to those who oppose it. I suppose that makes sense in the aftermath of Dobbs. Roe was a cancer that had to be removed, but even the best surgeries don’t leave you whole. Two years in, the recovery has been nothing if not painful. According to Gallup, abortion supporters are now twice as likely to only vote for likeminded candidates as abortion opponents—marking the third consecutive year in which one-issue voting has tilted firmly towards abortion. It used to be that abortion opponents were the more ideologically committed, but that equation has flipped since President Biden took office. And though polling results should always be taken with a grain of salt, this is one I’m inclined to believe—for no other reason than this. Politically speaking, I have never cared less about abortion…
The Abortion Catastrophe of 2023
Aug 24, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Abortion in the News
Guttmacher has now released their 2023 abortion estimates, and the numbers are grim—to say the least. The last time America saw an annual abortion increase this bad was 1977. That was just four years removed from Roe v. Wade, when total abortions were still increasing by 10%-20% each year. Because legalizing abortion, it turns out, leads to dramatically more abortion. When you combine the new abortion numbers with the abortion love fest that just concluded at the Democratic National Convention, it puts me in a fairly sour mood. The right to kill unborn children, apparently, is so important to some Americans that they will vote for anything or anybody so long as they support the savaging of human embryos and fetuses. Emperor Palpatine? Sure. Sauron? Why not. Lord Voldemort? No problem. If they’ll champion abortion, stick ‘em on the ballot!
No matter how vile the candidate or how reprehensible their other policies, there is a not insignificant number of people who…
What’s Wrong With a Childless President?
Jul 30, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Miscellaneous
After assuring us that he wouldn’t drop out of the presidential race unless "the Lord Almighty" told him to do so, Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race. He certainly didn’t want to and may even have been ignorant of the fact at the time, but he knows now. The “Lord Almighty,” apparently, is just a euphemism for his former boss—or whoever it is that tells him where to go and what to say. However we got here, President Biden’s 53-year political career is finally at its end. In the coming days, weeks, or months, it seems all but certain that Kamala Harris will become America’s first female president. And while that would be a historic event, Harris’ most significant demographic trait is not her sex or ethnicity. She shares those characteristics with Candace Owens and Sage Steele—who are her polar opposites in every way that counts. No, the most demographically-significant fact about Harris is that she has no children. I initially thought I was the only one to be concerned by this anomaly, but it turns out a handful of other…
Insights From a Transgender Abortion
Jul 16, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Miscellaneous
Entering this month, Abort73 had published 816 abortion stories. These unsolicited accounts have come to us from all over the world—mostly from women, but also from some grieving fathers as well. But then something unprecedented happened on America’s 248th birthday. From across the pond, Abort73 received its first ever abortion story from a transgender man. That is to say, from a woman who now calls herself a man. I realize, of course, that even that disclaimer pigeonholes me as a bigot. Transgender men are men (as the orthodoxy goes), but that’s a premise I’m unwilling to affirm.
For virtually all of human history, it was understood that men can’t get pregnant. That, in essence, is what makes men men. “If men could get pregnant,” Gloria Steinem famously quipped in 1971, “abortion would be a sacrament.” But even then, her thinking was flawed. Because if men could get pregnant, they wouldn’t be men; they’d be women.…