Abort73.com > 2016 Operating Budget

2016 Operating Budget

An overview of donations, spending and influence.


Page Summary:

Abort73 is a resource of Loxafamosity Ministries, a non-profit 501(c)3, education corporation. This page provides a month by month snapshot of our financial situation and a general budget for 2016.

The maintenance and promotion of Abort73.com is almost entirely funded through tax-deductible donations. As you examine the information below, please consider giving to this work. You can also support Abort73 financially by using this link when you make a purchase from Amazon.com, or designating Abort73 to receive 10%-100% of the proceeds you receive from items sold on Ebay.


  Donations Received Operating Expenses Gross Sales/Ship Sales/Ship Expenses Shirts Sold Shirts Given Away Facebook Views YouTube Views Web Visits
JAN '16 $7,210 $11,761 $2,771 $2,148 130 71 279,413 3,768 87,172
FEB '16 $4,515 $7,668 $2,436 $5,897 122 214 280,091 3,653 91,282
MAR '16 $5,350 $6,717 $5,269 $6,762 272 103 219,194 3,176 98,065
APR '16 $4,709 $8,116 $2,367 $6,617 111 104 141,439 3,816 99,843
MAY '16 $5,907 $7,239 $2,840 $1,352 176 58 156,033 3,313 79,822
JUN '16 $5,990 $8,259 $2,439 $2,351 124 98 134,226 2,826 81,251
JUL '16 $6,192 $8,407 $1,683 $1,849 70 105 234,064 3,082 62,813
AUG '16 $5,242 $9,870 $1,707 $1,955 88 106 207,293 2,024 51,952
SEP '16 $5,273 $7,256 $2,522 $3,142 146 31 148,614 2,666 60,149
OCT '16 $6,230 $8,723 $3,521 $4,540 203 22 135,945 5,544 155,558
NOV '16 $8,518 $7,437 $2,964 $1,075 222 27 100,580 3,730 112,712
DEC '16 $33,908 $8,477 $1,824 $409 64 21 87,944 1,876 65,535
TOTALS $99,144 $99,929 $32,343 $38,098 1,728 960 2,124,886 39,474 1,046,154
2015 $94,812 $94,802 $51,278 $48,927 2,621 691 5,840,827 51,912 992,458
2014 $92,051 $94,884 $34,253 $40,433 1,960 543 1,818,949 46,665 667,151
2013 $83,114 $92,457 $41,466 $38,881 2,608 NR NR 88,132 967,796

2016 Ministry Report

Click on the cover below to view our 14-page ministry report from 2016. It offers a behind-the-scenes look at our finances, web traffic and more.

Get Help

If you’re pregnant and contemplating abortion, what a mercy that you’ve found this website! Abortion is not the answer—no matter what anyone is telling you.

Click here to find local help.

Click here for hundreds of real-life abortion stories.

Click here if you've already had an abortion.

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Support Abort73

Abort73 is part of Loxafamosity Ministries, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. We are almost entirely supported by private donations—all of which are tax-deductible. Click here to make a contribution.

Giving Assistant is another way to raise money for Abort73 at thousands of online retailers. Use this link to get started.