Abort73.com > 2015 Operating Budget

2015 Operating Budget

An overview of what was given and accomplished in 2015.


Page Summary:

Abort73 is a resource of Loxafamosity Ministries, a non-profit 501(c)3, education corporation. This page provides a month by month snapshot of our financial situation and a general budget for 2015.

The maintenance and promotion of Abort73.com is almost entirely funded through tax-deductible donations. As you examine the information below, please consider giving to this work. You can also support Abort73 financially by using this link when you make a purchase from Amazon.com, or designating Abort73 to receive 10%-100% of the proceeds you receive from items sold on Ebay.


  Donations Received Operating Expenses Gross Sales/Ship Sales/Ship Expenses Shirts Sold Shirts Given Away Facebook Views Instagram Follows YouTube Views Web Visits
JAN '15 $11,603 $7,100 $1,077 $664 48 37 295,566 NA 5,463 66,420
FEB '15 $5,763 $8,991 $1,649 $1,854 70 64 186,182 94 4,602 52,678
MAR '15 $6,192 $6,520 $1,442 $4,305 71 60 263,518 69 4,769 66,572
APR '15 $4,337 $11,145 $1,864 $1,542 123 50 172,797 115 3,604 67,102
MAY '15 $5,204 $6,657 $3,212 $2,461 185 58 133,318 117 3,977 58,554
JUN '15 $4,086 $7,093 $1,984 $1,065 111 65 215,341 130 2,122 42,778
JUL '15 $5,402 $7,003 $2,237 $4,060 62 34 270,014 159 3,306 68,269
AUG '15 $4,670 $9,468 $3,087 $2,363 143 107 282,213 190 4,557 87,179
SEP '15 $6,686 $6,493 $3,547 $4,073 292 50 138,607 159 3,877 90,075
OCT '15 $6,044 $7,151 $21,822 $20,764 1,019 45 3,349,902 1,444 8,504 220,446
NOV '15 $6,204 $8,854 $6,683 $3,416 369 66 293,137 189 3,609 92,462
DEC '15 $28,522 $8,326 $2,673 $2,361 128 55 240,232 186 2,937 79,923
TOTALS $94,812 $94,802 $51,278 $48,927 2,621 691 5,840,827 2,852 51,912 992,458
2014 $92,051 $94,884 $34,253 $40,433 1,960 543 1,818,949 NA 46,665 667,151
2013 $83,114 $92,457 $41,466 $38,881 2,608 NR NR NA 88,132 967,796
2012 $75,901 $103,350 $65,991 $51,249 4,053 NR NR NA 97,650 1,055,451
2011 $74,149 $104,630 $82,443 $84,408 4,768 NR NR NA 60,573 814,234


Salaries & Labor
Wages 60,000
Payroll Taxes 4,590
Health Insurance 7,588
Payroll Services 520
Rent 4,200
Internet 892
Phone/Data 480
PO Box 92
Office Supplies, Stamps 300
Data Backup 60
Web Services
Web Hosting 3,600
Online Donor Management 2,388
Online Merchant Account w/ Subscriptions (Donations) 720
Online Donor Management (original) 228
Shopping Cart System 216
Online Merchant Account (Sales) 360
Email Management 72
Domain Registration 121
Secure Certificates (SSL) 90
Nucleus Medical Images 780
Adobe Creative Cloud 648


Credit Card Processing Fees 3,000
New iMac $3,480
Research & Development
Music Licensing 350
Video/Image Licensing 600
Research Books 180

Get Help

If you’re pregnant and contemplating abortion, what a mercy that you’ve found this website! Abortion is not the answer—no matter what anyone is telling you.

Click here to find local help.

Click here for hundreds of real-life abortion stories.

Click here if you've already had an abortion.

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Violence Against the Small is Still Violence

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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Support Abort73

Abort73 is part of Loxafamosity Ministries, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. We are almost entirely supported by private donations—all of which are tax-deductible. Click here to make a contribution.

Giving Assistant is another way to raise money for Abort73 at thousands of online retailers. Use this link to get started.