Abort73.com > Feedback > Birth Stories > September 1, 2012

#birthstories @abort73


Birth Story: Canada

Submitted to Abort73 by a 18-year-old woman on September 1, 2012.


My son is now about 4 1/2 months old now, and I would never [give him up for] anything… [My boyfriend and I have] been together for about 4 years. I was on vacation when I think we conceived, [because] I ran out of my birth control. He was in the process of moving away and living his dream to play in a metal band; he was only living 2 hours away, which isn't that far. I was alone when I look my test. I was so scared because I was going to my last year of high school. I've always dreamed of going away to college and was afraid if I was pregnant, I wouldn't go anywhere. My boyfriend wasn't in town at the time, so I called him and he tried to get home fast. School started, walking those halls was so scary thinking people knew my secret, and I would get called trash. So I made my appointments to see my doctor in town. I was ready to puke; we made the choice to have an abortion. I needed an ultrasound to see how far along I was. I was about 7 weeks, 4 days. My auntie took me to my ultrasound; she went behind my back and called my parents, but it's the best thing she ever did for me… The ultrasound tech asked me if i wanted to see my little bean. Of course i said yes, and the moment i saw that heartbeat, my life was changed. I kept my son and my life that year was amazing! I never dropped out of school; I finished had my son in april. My boyfriend and I are still together.

Age: 18
Location: Canada
Date: September 1, 2012

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