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Birth Story: Menasha, WI

Submitted to Abort73 by a 28-year-old woman on March 9, 2011.


2007- I was a 24 year old soldier in the Army, deployed to Iraq for the second time, separated from my husband for going on two years due to deployments (though we hadn't been doing well anyways). I found out I was pregnant in the middle of my deployment, in the desert, away from my husband. The father and I had already decided that if that was to happen, I would use my R&R (two weeks of leave/vacation to go home) to get an abortion, quietly, and return to duty. No one had to know. I went home fully expecting and planning on killing my child, and returning to Iraq like nothing had happened. Upon de-boarding my final flight home to see my family, I told my mom my situation and my plan and let her know that nothing could stop me.

I couldn't have this baby. I was cheating on my husband, pregnant by another man, in a combat zone. My military unit would certainly prosecute me for adultery if they found out... no amount of reasoning was going to change any of that so my only option seemed clear. I made my appointment with Planned Parenthood, and barreled my way through my vacation, anxious to "just get this over with". But on the day of my first appointment (required counseling), I fell apart.

I couldn't even cancel my appointment on my own. I had to ask a friend to do it for me. I cried, and tried to breathe. I tried to make sense of the "choice" I was making. but I felt relieved. I talked to my child's father, hoping he would share in my new found relief, but he didn't. He was angry, and hateful, refusing to accept my "decision." I knew when I canceled my appointment that my child's father would behave this way, but it didn't matter. He didn't want to speak to me, and I didn't care. I had cared at one time. I did anything I could to avoid his anger previous to this. But now I didn't care at all. The things he said hurt, but they didn't sway my convictions. I was a mother, and I would do anything to protect my child. And the stress of knowing I was jumping into this as a single parent was overshadowed by the peace I felt in my heart.

My unit indeed planned to prosecute me for adultery, but God spared me from that. My child's father and I still do not speak and he has no contact with his son. But my son is/was worth every bit of this madness, and more.

I had been against abortion from the day I learned what it was back in high school. I had protested at abortion clinics. But in my despair, I turned to abortion. Thankfully, God heard my mom's prayers, and the prayers of so many others and my heart was renewed, and I now am doing my part to advocate against abortion in any way I can.

There is nothing in your life, no amount of badness, or bad-timing, that can ever justify taking a life, especially the life of a helpless child. There are answers to your questions, and solutions to your problems. Just take the time to look and take the time to pray. And allow your heart to be softened. Dont let the breaking of your heart and madness of your life end the heartbeat of your child..

Age: 28
Location: Menasha, WI
Date: March 9, 2011

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