Abort73.com > Feedback > Birth Stories > February 26, 2011

#birthstories @abort73


Birth Story: Phoenix, AZ

Submitted to Abort73 by a 27-year-old woman on February 26, 2011.


My baby was conceived out of wedlock. Actually, my baby was the product of way worse than that. She was conceived as a result of date-rape. I had a stranger's baby. I was pregnant with a stranger's baby. It was not a "violent" date-rape... I was so intoxicated I barely remember the details of the event, and the man was "nice" to me. He didn't hurt me in any way. However, just the thought of carrying a child inside you, knowing that you did not plan for this, and that it was a stranger... it's hard to wrap your mind around. My parents were not initially that supportive of me. They were extremely disappointed in me, but I was struggling with many things at the time of my baby's conception, and sin had me bound fast. I believe Emma was the answer to my most desperate prayer. God saved me by allowing me to come to the end of myself, and giving me a precious child whom I could love better than I ever loved myself. She is my reason for living now, and without her I would still be lost, I'm sure. So my message to people who are considering having an abortion is this: wait. Consider what the consequences will be to you after you have done this. It can never be undone. It can never be reversed. Once a life is taken, it is final. Please don't live with that regret on your shoulders. It will haunt you until the day you die yourself. Please wait. Think. Consider. Before you act.

Age: 27
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Date: February 26, 2011

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