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I knew that I was killing my unborn baby. I knew that it was wrong. But, I didn't think I had a choice...

Abortion Story: Las Vegas

Submitted to Abort73 by a 45-year-old woman on July 15, 2019


I was 14 years old when I found out I was pregnant. I was a freshman in a Catholic High School where my boyfriend was a junior. We never even discussed the possibility of having the baby. He just got together the money and took me to the clinic. It was a terrible, traumatic experience. I was so young and scared and cried the whole time.  It was very painful, emotionally and physically, during the procedure and afterwards. I knew that I was killing my unborn baby. I knew that it was wrong. But, I didn't think I had a choice.

My boyfriend and I broke up within a couple months, but I carried the guilt and shame with me for decades. It wasn't until I found a relationship with Jesus Christ—when I was 32 years old—that I finally began to know that I was forgiven. But I think about my baby often. My due date was February 20 and on that date every single year I think, "My baby would have been ___ years old today." I had the abortion on July 2, and every single year on that date I think, "I had an abortion ___ years ago today."  It never, ever goes away.

If I had chosen adoption, I would have been embarrassed and ashamed at the time, but would not have carried the burden of the sin of murder on my conscious for decades. I wish someone would have told me that the anguish doesn't end with an abortion.

Age: 45
Location: Las Vegas
Date: July 15, 2019

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