Abort73.com > Feedback > Abortion Stories > October 24, 2016

#abortionstories @abort73

He abandoned me after he knew I listened to him and went through with [the abortion]...

Abortion Story: USA

Submitted to Abort73 by a 23-year-old woman on October 24, 2016


I was 20; my boyfriend was 32. I never believed in abortion and a part of me always seemed to think that I could never get pregnant. We had a rough relationship and it was always a mental beatdown with him. We weren't supposed to be together; we could have gotten in trouble because we worked together. We broke up and three weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. He didn't believe me when I told him and of course thought that I had slept with someone else. However, I was honestly too heartbroken over our breakup to even get out of my house. I knew he had been cheating on me. He finally realized that it was his, and we talked about options. For three weeks, I was on a roller coaster of emotions and decisions. I would be strong for myself and want to keep it and not listen to him. But he had this power over me to listen to anything he said. I quit talking to my parents because I knew they would talk me into keeping it. Needless to say, it was hell for three weeks. He decided to go with me to Planned Parenthood, but he was hungover and didn't help me pay for anything. It came time for the day that I was supposed to take the pills and he never showed. He said he'd take care of me and he never answered my phone calls or texts. He abandoned me after he knew I listened to him and went through with it. I regretted it all; I cried and cried. Seeing all the blood come out, and knowing that my baby was in it, was heart breaking. I didn't want to flush the toilet. It felt so inhumane. I will never forget that day. I will live with this for the rest of my life. And he is completely okay.

Age: 23
Location: USA
Date: October 24, 2016

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