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#abortionstories @abort73

My baby would be 40-years-old now. Hard to imagine. I struggled for years with post traumatic stress...

Abortion Story: Connecticut

Submitted to Abort73 by a 58-year-old woman on July 15, 2015


To those who have written on here and are only a year or two past your abortion. Please consider counseling for your loss. I too had an abortion—at 17. My baby would be 40-years-old now. Hard to imagine. I struggled for years with post traumatic stress. It manifested as binge drinking, promiscuity, and other risky behaviors. I guess God preserved me for a reason. I finally pulled all those feelings and regrets out of hiding and faced what had happened to me, my baby, and my life. I am now sober and volunteer at a pregnancy resource center. Besides helping new parents with their babies and the stuff they need to take care of them, I occasionally talk to young people considering abortion. Yes, you will get through it, with scars. However, forgiveness is available from God, so please seek out that forgiveness and help. Love to all you young ladies and men who made the wrong decision but are brave enough to face it now. And love to all those moms who made the hard choice to have their babies. I wish I had.

Age: 58
Location: Connecticut
Date: July 15, 2015

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