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I'd do anything to change what I've done, but it is too late. I don't know if I'll ever stop thinking and crying about it...

Abortion Story: Canada

Submitted to Abort73 by a 21-year-old woman on July 11, 2015


March 2nd, 2015, is the day I got my abortion and lost my chance to bring a beautiful baby into this world. I was 20 at the time, and I come from a very religious and strict family. I know that telling them I was pregnant or even telling them I’m having the baby would start all sorts of problems, judgment, and disappointment. I wasn't ready for that. My boyfriend and I had been dating for eight months at this point. We're very serious about our relationship, and I don't think he would've left me, but I don't think he would've been 100% happy with my decision—until he got to see the baby for the first time anyways. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was scared and an abortion was the first thing that came to my mind. After a few days, laying there, thinking about having a baby that was mine and the person’s I love the most in the world, my mind and opinion changed. Sadly, due to the family I come from, I knew I couldn't do anything about it. I've always wanted to be a mom and the first chance I got, I murdered my baby. I had a friend who's my age who had just decided she was keeping her child, and I couldn't understand why someone would do that so young. And now I do. I think about how great my child would've been and how great of a person they'd be. I took someone's spouse away. I took someone's best friend away. Maybe my child would've changed the lives of thousands, and now we'll never know. What gender was my baby? What would my baby have been like? Would he or she have my laugh? I regret my abortion more then anything in this whole world. I never met my child, but I love my child. Although my baby is no longer in me, I still feel and think about my child. I'd do anything to change what I've done, but it is too late. I don't know if I'll ever stop thinking and crying about it.

Age: 21
Location: Canada
Date: July 11, 2015

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