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Abortion Story: Philippines

Submitted to Abort73 by a 26-year-old woman on February 23, 2014


I am 26-years-old and a mother of two sons. Last november, we found out that we were pregnant. The pregnancy was unexpected. I cried so hard because I thought having another child would be too hard for both of us. My eldest son is sick and and was hospitalized twice in a month. We are in great debt and thinking of it made me come to a decision—an absolute nightmare. It was 31st of January when I ended my pregnancy. I took two tablets of Cytotec at around 12 midnight. I then inserted another two vaginally around 4:30am. I woke up thinking my son had peed on our bed, not realizing it was "my water.” My heart beat so fast. I went to the bathroom and sat on a bowl. After a minute, I decided to get back in bed, but before I did, a ripping sensation was felt in my back, and then I felt a pass going out inside me. I realized something came out, and I saw a baby. I never expected something like this. They say it’s a tissue, but no, it's a baby—with hands and feet. I just cried so loud and thought, “Oh, my God, it's my baby.” My husband almost couldn’t stand from where he was—crying a lot and shouting. He doesn't want to abort our baby. It was my decision, and it made me feel like I’m the worst mom—killing her own child. I cry every day like hell. My husband had to leave his work for a couple of months. Part of me wishes I could turn back time and keep the baby. I never thought I would see her/him that big. I wish I fought for my baby as my husband did, but I tell myself that my family would be in such mess if I had continued my pregnancy. I am ready to face the consequences that forever in my heart and mind, my baby is a sacrificial lamb.

Age: 26
Location: Philippines
Date: February 23, 2014

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