Abort73.com > Feedback > Abortion Stories > February 18, 2013

#abortionstories @abort73


Abortion Story: Mumbai

Submitted to Abort73 by a 42-year-old woman on February 18, 2013


Today while I was browsing 14-week abortion images I came across your site, and here I am writing about my angel baby (who was aborted at) 14 weeks. I saw his cute little hands and C-shape curve and 2 tiny legs, covered in blood in an aluminum tray on April 9, 2007. To this day, I am still hurting for my aborted baby. I wanted it so much, but no one supported me. Being in India and Mumbai, I was working and I asked my friends to support me. My boyfriend thought it was a big mistake having a baby without tying the knot… I never recovered after aborting. I aborted my boy friend from my heart, my few friends from my life, and my life turned to tears. Right now as I am writing to you all, I am crying for my lost baby. I regret in pain and hurt to this day. Five years later, not a day has gone by that I have not missed my baby. At times when I am in pain, I look at my 14-week unborn baby picture, and I have been called crazy for doing that.

Age: 42
Location: Mumbai
Date: February 18, 2013

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