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Abortion Story: South Africa

Submitted to Abort73 by a 24-year-old woman on November 12, 2011


We were engaged and very happy. He got a dream job offer, less pay but greater future promise and made it clear that we should move back to our home town. I did not want to leave my job or my friends but I did for him. It was tough living just on his salary as I struggled to find work. Then we found out I was pregnant. He was happy and told everyone. I was skeptical. I didn't know if I was very happy about it. But when we went for a scan and saw the baby, I cried for my beautiful baby and loving fiance. Only then did he start getting distant, staying out drinking to the point where I was alone all the time. I found him at a bar and he told me he didn't love me and we should separate and he'd make a plan about the child. I was shattered. I wanted a family and didn't have a job. I wasn't ready to be a single mom, not at all. The next morning he came home and I begged him, I pleaded that we would make it, and he flat out refused so I called my family and went home. Later he said the same thing so I packed my things returned his keys and walked away. I had an abortion at 14 weeks with no sedation. He didn't even come for support. I felt everything like I was being drilled into. I felt the placenta slide down my legs. I felt disgusting. I still dream about giving birth to her and I miss my little baby so much. My heart breaks. Worst of all, this town is so small everyone knows, and my parents refuse to let me move away. I need to get away from this hell. He doesn't feel any pain and is moving on. I'm stuck at my parents house doing nothing. It's killing me.

Age: 24
Location: South Africa
Date: November 12, 2011

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