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Abortion Story: Sun Valley, NV

Submitted to Abort73 by a 23-year-old woman on June 18, 2011


I was 18 years old and recently graduated from high school, starting my freshman year of college on scholarship. I had waited to have sex because I never wanted to be a pregnant teen. My boyfriend and I had only been together 3 months when we decided to have sex. We thought he hadn't finished inside me so we didn't worry about it, but after night after night of throwing up, I had my best friend take me to the store to buy a test, which came out positive. When I told my boyfriend, I told him I wanted to keep it (I didn't believe in abortion as a choice for myself). In the weeks that followed he was very abusive and insisted abortion was my only choice. I was so scared of what he would do to me if I didn't do it. So I made the appointment. I was so terrified at the office. My boyfriend refused to come with me, insisting the procedure was no big deal. They did an ultrasound first and confirmed I was about 9 weeks, then gave me the medication. I barely remember laying down before completely passing out. Upon waking I felt unbelievably scared, especially not being able to remember anything that had happened. I couldn't stand very well and kept throwing up and passing out. I was assured this was a normal reaction. I spent the next week in such a deep depression, I had nightmares. I now have one daughter and can not have anymore. I was told I was lucky to have the daughter I do have because I may not ever have another child, and all I think about is how I could have had 2 children. I regret that day so much it hurts. I think about the baby and wether it was a boy or girl, what it would have looked like, what I would have named it. And every year on the estimated delivery date of that child, I remember it and think about how old it would have been now. I wish i could share the feeling with every girl so that she would know the pain she could feel after choosing to take the easy way out.

Age: 23
Location: Sun Valley, NV
Date: June 18, 2011

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