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Pursuing an Air 1 Ministry Partnership

Pursuing an Air 1 Ministry Partnership


Sep 20, 2006 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Ministry Updates

A few of our supporters have recently suggested that Abort73 become an Air 1 ministry partner. We would love for that to happen, and we're sending Air 1 an Abort73 info pack in pursuit of such ends. I'm including the letter I wrote to their ministry coordinator below, and I'd love for others to contact Air 1 on our behalf as well. The more positives they hear about Abort73, the better the chances that they'll help us increase our exposure... Click here to contact Air 1 Radio.

My name is Mike Spielman, of Loxafamosity Ministries, and I'm writing to let you know about a website we've recently developed called Abort73.com. A number of our supporters have suggested we become an Air One Ministry Partner, so I've put this info pack together as a way of acquainting you with the work we're doing.

Abort73 functions, primarily, as a massive and comprehensive, online resource for educating students about the hidden injustice of abortion. It is unlike any other "pro-life" website in existence. One look should convince you that we've gone to great lengths to ensure that the site is both engaging and enlightening.

Though everything we do is anchored on biblical truth, the major portion of our "Case Against Abortion" is completely secular in nature. By simply examining the biology of human development and the mechanics of abortion, it is fairly easy to demonstrate that abortion is cruel and unjust. The medical evidence against abortion is far more compelling than the average person knows. It is only the widespread ignorance of the facts that allows abortion to flourish. Cutting through all of this confusion is crucial, not only for those who support abortion, but also for those who oppose it. Even most Christians, who almost universally condemn abortion, know very little about it. And this makes us far less likely to engage in any kind of public dialogue about abortion (because we don't know the facts), and far more apathetic to the plight of those who are being killed all around us (because we don't know how bad abortion really is). Of course, Abort73 provides much more than just an education. We also offer a number of extremely practical ways for individual Christian students and campus ministries to help extend the Abort73 education to those all around them.

Included in this packet is a fact sheet (to give you an idea of Abort73's current reach) and a selection of recent visitor feedback (to illustrate the impact we're having). I've also printed off some documents from the website itself, to tell you more about who we are and why we feel our work is both biblically appropriate and God honoring. The included shirts, pens, and DVD's are examples of the Abort73 resources that students are using to reach their own campuses. Feel free to do with them as you wish.

Most importantly, please take some time to visit the website itself. That is, ultimately, what you must decide the merits of. John Piper and Randy Alcorn have already plugged Abort73.com, and we hope that you will do the same. The exposure that Air One could provide for Abort73 would be invaluable on at least three levels. Number one, it would give Christians around the world an opportunity to be more fully educated about abortion. Number two, it would help make Christian students aware of the opportunities that exist for them to help prevent abortions within their own sphere of influence (which may also open the door for them to share the gospel). And number three, it would introduce the work we're doing to potential donors who are looking for a biblically-balanced approach to ending abortion. Though being a public witness against abortion is not a popular cause to take up (and is often done with very little grace), roughly 4,000 of our unborn neighbors are being aborted everyday in this country. That fact, alone, should compel us to action. Yes, God is sovereign, but with rare exception, He is pleased to work through human means. That is what we're after, and your partnership could go a long way towards helping us become an even more effective instrument in God's vast arsenal.

Thanks so much for your consideration. Please let me know what you decide...

Also Included in the Info Pack: -- The Abort 73 Approach -- Why the Name Abort73? -- What We Believe -- The Horrors of Abortion and Hell -- A Biblical Mandate to Do Something About Abortion -- Abortion Unfiltered DVD -- Abort 73 Shirts -- Abort 73 Pens -- Abort 73 Postcards -- Abort 73 Newsletters

Michael Spielman is the founder and director of Abort73.com. Subscribe to Michael's Substack for his latest articles and recordings. His book, Love the Least (A Lot), is available as a free download. Abort73 is part of Loxafamosity Ministries, a 501c3, Christian education corporation. If you have been helped by the information available at Abort73.com, please consider making a donation.

Get Help

If you’re pregnant and contemplating abortion, what a mercy that you’ve found this website! Abortion is not the answer—no matter what anyone is telling you.

Click here to find local help.

Click here for hundreds of real-life abortion stories.

Click here if you've already had an abortion.

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