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Can a T-Shirt Change the Way People Think About Abortion?

Can a T-Shirt Change the Way People Think About Abortion?


May 31, 2007 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Ministry Updates


"Can a T-Shirt Change the Way People Think About Abortion? Probably Not. But by the Grace of God, a Website Can. (And T-Shirts Are a Great Way to Get People There)."

This is the Headline for the new Abort73, half-page flyers (pictured at right) that will be distributed in a few weeks at the Pro-Life Music Festival and the Cornerstone Festival. Their aim is to quickly communicate what makes the Abort73 T-shirts uniquely effective at educating students and young adults about abortion, and thereby changing the way they think. Since we certainly want our online supporters to have an equal understanding of how our shirts are designed to work, you'll find the front-side text for the new flyers below:

There's nothing new about "pro-life" T-shirts. They've been around for years. Some of them look great, and others look...less great. But almost all of them share one thing in common. They express an opinion, without providing any facts. Since it's virtually impossible to communicate something substantive on a few square inches of passing fabric, most pro-life shirts have had to content themselves with offering mere slogans. But what are the chances someone will read "Choose Life" or "Abortion Kills" on a T-shirt, and then suddenly think to themselves, "Oh, I guess abortionis wrong."?

Here enters Abort73.com.

Instead of relying on a T-shirt to do the educating (something for which it's ill-equipped), our shirts point students to a place where they actually can be educated about abortion (taking them straight to the science of the matter). By uniting provocative phrases with an intentionally ambiguous URL, our shirts serve as front doors instead of dead ends. And since Abort73.com provides what may be the most engaging abortion education in the entire world, wearing some of our shirts would be a very good thing!!

This has been a record-setting month for online sales of Abort73 shirts, which will translate into thousands of new introductions to the education available at Abort73.com. You can play a big part in extending that education by adding some Abort73 shirts for to your own wardrobe, and today would be a great time to start.



Michael Spielman is the founder and director of Abort73.com. Subscribe to Michael's Substack for his latest articles and recordings. His book, Love the Least (A Lot), is available as a free download. Abort73 is part of Loxafamosity Ministries, a 501c3, Christian education corporation. If you have been helped by the information available at Abort73.com, please consider making a donation.

Get Help

If you’re pregnant and contemplating abortion, what a mercy that you’ve found this website! Abortion is not the answer—no matter what anyone is telling you.

Click here to find local help.

Click here for hundreds of real-life abortion stories.

Click here if you've already had an abortion.

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