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Campus Outreach Opps: Silent Day & Cupcakes

Campus Outreach Opps: Silent Day & Cupcakes


Sep 04, 2009 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Ministry Updates

This October, two nationwide, campus outreach events are taking place: Cupcakes for Life (Oct. 9) and the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity (Oct. 20). Though the tone and emphasis of these events differ, both aim at bringing focused, campus attention to the injustice of abortion. If you've visited the "Non-Abort73 Involvement Opportunities" page on our website, you've encountered these events before. This year however, Abort73 is partnering with these events in a brand new way. How? Through the design and release of Abort73 Cupcakes for Life and Silent Day T-shirts.

From the beginning, Abort73 T-shirts have been integral to the marketing of Abort73.com. Each one serves as a pointer to the website, and these new shirts do the exact same thing – from within the broader context of these events. If you're a high school or college student, I hope you'll consider participating in one or both of these events. And if you do, the new Abort73 event T-shirts are a great way to increase the effectiveness of your involvement by introducing everyone who sees you to Abort73.com.

Unlike any of the Abort73 shirts we've released in the past, these shirts are only available through the event websites. You can't buy them from us. I designed them, and then handed the files off to Cupcakes for Life and Silent Day for actual production. I have no idea what the response will be, but I'm hoping that these shirts will sell well enough to convince the event coordinators that this is a partnership worth maintaining in the years to come. Take a few minutes to visit the event websites and start thinking about what kind of influence you want to have on your campus this semester for the cause of life.

The Abort73 Cupcakes for Life T-shirt

The Abort73 Silent Day T-shirt

Michael Spielman is the founder and director of Abort73.com. Subscribe to Michael's Substack for his latest articles and recordings. His book, Love the Least (A Lot), is available as a free download. Abort73 is part of Loxafamosity Ministries, a 501c3, Christian education corporation. If you have been helped by the information available at Abort73.com, please consider making a donation.

Get Help

If you’re pregnant and contemplating abortion, what a mercy that you’ve found this website! Abortion is not the answer—no matter what anyone is telling you.

Click here to find local help.

Click here for hundreds of real-life abortion stories.

Click here if you've already had an abortion.

Get Involved

Abortion persists because of ignorance, apathy and confusion. Abort73 is working to change that; you can help! Get started below:

Life’s Greatest Blessings Are Unplanned

Social Media Graphics:

Post them online to introduce your friends, fans or followers to Abort73.com.

Act Justly. Love Mercy.

Abort73 Shirts:

Be a walking billboard for Abort73.com.

Birth Dates for All!

Abort73 Promo Cards:

Stash some in your wallet or purse and be ready to hand them out or strategically leave them behind.

Not All is Golden

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Abort73 is part of Loxafamosity Ministries, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. We are almost entirely supported by private donations—all of which are tax-deductible. Click here to make a contribution.

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