Because of a Wonderful Doctor…
Nov 23, 2010 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Miscellaneous
This story came in earlier this month via our "Share Your Abortion Story" feedback form. Unlike most of the testimonies that come in that way, this is not a story of regret. Nor is it a story of abortion. It is the story of a near abortion–told by a woman who was nearly aborted. Since it doesn't fit in our Abortion Regrets section, I'll share her story here. This comes from a 32-year-old woman in Los Angeles:
Because of a wonderful doctor who did not believe in aborting babies, I am alive today! My birth mother was young and wanted an abortion, she did not know where to go but God knew where to send her. She ended up at seeing a doctor who did not believe in aborting babies, instead he talked to her about adoption. I am sure it was not an easy choice for her, but I am glad that she went through with the adoption. I was adopted at 2 days old into a godly home. I have had a wonderful life so far. I am a high school teacher and have a wonderful husband (and would like to adopt a baby in the future). Please think about the life or lives that are never given a chance due to abortion. Only God knows the great things they will accomplish if given the chance.
Abortion never affects just one life. Children that are born grow up to become spouses, parents, and grandparents. In this case, the child grew up to be a teacher. To borrow a line of reasoning from our Cost of Life page: "Abortion is a means of eliminating the short-term cost (of parenthood). For a few hundred bucks you can free yourself from the financial burden of diapers and baby food, but you also free yourself from a relationship with your child, you free yourself from someday having the support and care of a grown son or daughter. You free yourself from grand-kids and great grand-kids, and you free society from the long-term production and influence of an utterly unique human being."
Michael Spielman is the founder and director of Subscribe to Michael's Substack for his latest articles and recordings. His book, Love the Least (A Lot), is available as a free download. Abort73 is part of Loxafamosity Ministries, a 501c3, Christian education corporation. If you have been helped by the information available at, please consider making a donation.