Violence in CT
Length: 1:35
Page Summary:
Approximately .00003% of school-aged children in Connecticut will be killed by gun violence this year. Approximately 26% of unborn children in Connecticut will be killed by abortion violence this year.
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Video Text/Dialogue:
December 14, 2012
NEWTOWN, CT - At 9:35 this morning, a heavily-armed gunman entered Sandy Hook Elementary. Before the day was over, 20 school-aged children had been shot and killed.
Every news service in the country led with the story.
Twitter blew up with outrage. #newtown
Flags flew at half-mast.
Celebrities and politicians demanded meaningful action.
The president cried.
While all this was happening in Newtown, heavily-compensated doctors entered family planning clinics across the state. Before the day was over, an estimated 37 unborn children had been killed by abortion.
No news services covered the violence.
There was no mention of the deaths on Twitter. #abortiondeathsct
Celebrities and politicians didn't notice.
The president did not cry.
And yet these children also “had their entire lives ahead of them. Birthdays. Graduations. Weddings. Kids of their own."
Approximately .00003% of school-aged children in Connecticut were killed by gun violence this year.
Approximately 26% of unborn children in Connecticut were killed by abortion violence this year.
Does the death of a helpless child bother us more when the assailant uses a gun?
But should it?