Abort73.com > Videos > This is Abortion (Canadian Version)

This is Abortion (Canadian Version)

Length: 3:51


Page Summary:

This video is not pleasant, but it must be seen. Hundreds of innocent unborn children are torn to pieces every day in Canada because most people simply don't know what abortion actually does. With the exception of the final scene (a second-trimester fetus), all of the video you will see depicts children who were killed during first-trimester abortions.

Because of the graphic nature of this video, it is not available on our YouTube or Facebook pages.

To download a full-resolution (Quicktime) version of this video, click here.

Video Text/Dialogue:

WARNING: The following video contains graphic and disturbing images of severe injustice. Viewer discretion is advised.

In 2002...

80 Canadian children died from violent assault.

533 Canadian children died from a transport accident.

2,474 Canadian children died from disease.

And 105,154 Canadian children died from legal abortion.

105 thousand.

Day after day, week after week, year after year, innocent unborn children are quietly destroyed behind sterile clinic doors, and no one seems to care.

Here ends the apathy of ignorance.

Here begins the responsibility of knowledge.

Prepare yourself.

This is what abortion does to unborn children.

7 Weeks from Fertilization.

8 Weeks from Fertilization.

9 Weeks from Fertilization.

10 Weeks from Fertilization.

11 Weeks from Fertilization.

24 Weeks from Fertilization.

Children are dying.

The world is watching.

What will you do?


[All abortion imagery provided by The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform: AbortionNO.org]

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If you’re pregnant and contemplating abortion, what a mercy that you’ve found this website! Abortion is not the answer—no matter what anyone is telling you.

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Click here if you've already had an abortion.

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