Abort73.com > Videos > Seeing Abortion in Black and White

Seeing Abortion in Black and White

Length: 1:40


Page Summary:

If you think abortion is a fundamental human right, perhaps you celebrate the fact that black children are being sacrificed to this privilege at quadruple the rate of whites. But if abortion is an act of violence that kills an innocent human being, then something far more sinister is at work here.

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Video Text/Dialogue:

Affirmative action exists to help minority groups recover from past discrimination.

Advantages are selectively bestowed in an effort to level the playing field.

According to the latest numbers, the overall abortion ratio in the United States fell by 2%, but this decrease was not consistent across racial lines:

"[A]bortion ratios decreased among non-Hispanic white women but not among women in any other racial/ethnic group. For non-Hispanic white women, the abortion ratio decreased 3%, whereas the abortion ratio increased 4% for non-Hispanic black women..."

Among white women, there were 138 abortions for every 1,000 births.

Among black women, there were 501 abortions for every 1,000 births.

Though African-Americans represent 12% of the population, they represent 35% of aborted children.

So here's the question.

Is abortion an "affirmative" action?

Is it helping to level the playing field or simply digging the hole deeper?

If you think abortion is a fundamental human right, perhaps you celebrate the fact that black children are being sacrificed to this privilege at quadruple the rate of whites.

But if abortion is an act of violence that kills an innocent human being, then something far more sinister is at work here.

It's time to raise the red flag.


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