Planned Parenthood. Every Day.
Length: 1:48
Page Summary:
Planned Parenthood has made billions of dollars destroying helpless human beings. If they want to spend millions of dollars to elect a pro-abortion president, it should be on their own dime.
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Video Text/Dialogue:
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
That’s the number of innocent human beings who were aborted at planned parenthood in 2010... every day.
329,445 abortions for the year
That's the number of dollars planned parenthood made in clinic revenue in 2010... every day.
$320 million for the year
That's the number of tax dollars planned parenthood received in 2010... every day.
$487 million for the year
That's the percentage of Planned Parenthood revenue paid by U.S. taxpayers.
Which raises some disturbing questions
Why are tax-payers funding an organization whose practices are offensive to half the population?
Why are tax-payers footing the bill for a non-profit with more than $1 billion in net assets?
Why are tax-payers subsidizing ad campaigns for "pro-choice" politicians?
Doesn't that seem a bit dubious?
Planned Parenthood has made billions of dollars destroying helpless human beings.
If they want to spend millions of dollars to elect a pro-abortion president, it should be on their own dime.
Educate Yourself. Educate Your World.
The figures in this video were taken from Planned Parenthood's 2009-2010 annual report. Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a 501(c)3 organization. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is a 501(c)4 organization. Planned Parenthood's 2010 form 990 shows that $6.5 million in 501(c)3 funds were allocated for 501(c)4 use.