January 1973
Length: 2:16
Page Summary:
A historic look at the slew of high-profile events which largely kept the public's eye off the Supreme Court's tragic rulings in Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton.
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Every injustice has a beginning...
Often unnoticed at the time.
So it was in...
January 1973.
On January 30, 1973, former presidential aides James McCord and G. Gordon Liddy were convicted of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping for thier roles in the Watergate break-in...
Which came just 3 days after the Paris Peace Accord was signed to end the war in Vietnam...
Which came 5 days after former President, Lyndon Johnson, died at his Texas ranch...
On the same day that George Foreman defeated Joe Frazier to become the heavyweight champion of the world...
Which was 2 days after President Nixon was inaugurated for his second term in office...
Which came 5 days after offensive action was suspended in Vietnam...
Which was the day after the Miami Dolphins completed the only perfect season in NFL history...
On the same day that Elvis Presley's televised concert from Hawaii was watched by 1.5 billion people worldwide.
It was a busy two weeks.
And while an entire nation had its eyes on "bigger" things... seven men, non-elected, and appointed for life, changed the course of history.
For the worse.
On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court wiped away every state law that had previously protected human beings in the womb.
Without a vote, without due legislation, abortion was made legal in all 50 states, through all 9 months of pregnancy, for virtually any reason at all.
More than 45 million human beings have lost their lives as a direct result of this one decision.
Abort73 exists to demonstrate that elective abortion is not a triumpth of freedom and democracy, but one of the greatest civil rights violations the world has known.
The more you know of abortion, the more you'll understand the tragic significance of...
January 1973.
Educate Yourself. Educate Your World.