An Overview of Abortion in 2 Minutes (Pixelized)
Length: 2:47
Page Summary:
A two-minute video overview of abortion: what it is, who it affects, how it is performed, why it happens, and why it is unjust. The graphic portions of this video have been obscured through pixelization.
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NOTICE: The graphic portions of this video have been obscured through pixelization. For an unfiltered look at what abortion actually does to the most helpless members of the human community, visit
Abort73 Presents:
An Overview of Abortion in 2 Minutes
Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy [through] the death of the embryo or fetus (Webster's Medical Dictionary).
This is what a human embryo looks like, 8 weeks after fertilization.
And this is ultrasound footage of a human fetus just 11 weeks after fertilization.
Worldwide, roughtly 115,000 unborn human beings are killed every day by abortion (The Guttmacher Institute).
The daily death toll matches 9/11, x 30.
And matches Katrina, x 62.
Every day.
Most abortions are performed surgically by vacuuming the embryo or fetus out of the uterus.
This is a medical illustration of a suction abortion in progress.
By Planned Parenthood's own admission, 93% of of all abortions are performed on healthy mothers, with healthy babies.Less than 1% are performed because of rape or incest.
Because it kills an innocent human being.
This is what it looks like when an 8-week embryo is killed by abortion.
And this is what abortion does to an 11-week fetus.
Now is the time to decide for yourself. Is abortion a good and necessary practice? Or is it just a convenient mechanism for eliminating the weak and defenseless who get in our way?
History awaits your verdict.
Educate Yourself. Educate Your World.