Abort73.com > Feedback > Birth Stories > October 9, 2020

#birthstories @abort73

Abortion kills your child, your grandchildren, and your great-grandchildren...

Birth Story:

Submitted to Abort73 by a 43-year-old on October 9, 2020.


My mother had four children in quick succession. The fourth child arrived disabled, needing years of medical intervention. The doctors said it was likely a genetic defect and that my mother should stop having children. She went on birth control and stayed on it for many years. Then she got pregnant. 

My mother was advised to abort. She refused. The doctors talked her into an amniocentesis to test for defects; there were no detectable defects. She gave birth to a healthy child. It was later acknowledged that the defects suffered by her fourth child had been medically induced—by a legal drug, prescribed by her doctor, for morning sickness. That drug is now banned for use in pregnant women.

Her fifth child grew up and had five children. Those children grew up to have, at last count, five children. Had my mother listened to the medical professionals and aborted her child, not one life, but 11 lives would have been lost. And still counting. Abortion kills your child, your grandchildren, and your great-grandchildren.

I was that voiceless, unborn child. Doctors can be wrong about many things. My disabled sibling also grew up and surpassed all medical expectations in quality and quantity of life, went to school, married, had children, a full-time career, and lived over 20 years longer than the maximum age expected by the best medical opinion of the day. Please, choose life.

Age: 43
Date: October 9, 2020

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