Abort73.com > Feedback > Birth Stories > April 24, 2013

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Birth Story: Lima

Submitted to Abort73 by a 27-year-old woman on April 24, 2013.


I wrote last year; my story was posted on July 1st 2012. At that moment, I was very scared and depressed because I was thinking about not keeping my baby, since its father was not going to help me at all, and he kept trying to convince me to get rid of it, but I finally decided to keep my baby. By the 5th month, I had complications and i almost lost it. After that, my pregnancy went really well. On February 10th, I had the most beautiful baby girl. She's my world, she's my strength, she's my everything. Unfortunately, I was fired from my job because I had a very mean boss. I really hope things will be better from now on. Every time I see her beautiful face, I smile and I feel I can accomplish anything.

Age: 27
Location: Lima
Date: April 24, 2013

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