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Birth Story: Gordonville, PA

Submitted to Abort73 by a 20-year-old woman on March 8, 2012.


I was 16 years old when I became pregnant with my daughter. I had only had sex once, and had used protection, and yet somehow... I was pregnant. I had mixed feelings, but knew from the start that abortion was not an option for me. My parents ended up kicking me out of their house. Most of my "friends" stopped talking to me, and many people were insisting that I should abort my baby. I said "no," I would not even let that thought cross my mind. So here I am three and a half years later. I have a one-year-old son now too. My daughter has recently been diagnosed with autism. Someone actually had the guts to ask me if I had known she would have autism, if I would have done things differently. And to answer to the entire world, no, I would not have aborted her. Yes, she makes my life more difficult. Yes, she hardly ever lets me sleep, and her communication skills are severely delayed. But she is my daughter, and I love her just the way she is, and I would NEVER abort my child. Every human being deserves a chance at life, who are we to take that away?

Age: 20
Location: Gordonville, PA
Date: March 8, 2012

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