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Birth Story: Portage, IN

Submitted to Abort73 by a 45-year-old woman on March 8, 2012.


I would like to share my story, and hopefully encourage other moms who may be going through similar situations in their pregnancies. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was an "older mom," so of course they tested for Down's (against my wishes – I knew I would love my child no matter what). The test came back positive, and the midwife told me I had no choice but to "terminate" (I though the whole "pro-choice" movement was about MY choice). This midwife even refused to give me prenatal vitamins, but was more than willing to give me a referral for an abortion. I am a research junkie, and found out this test had a 60% false positive rate and met with a doctor who specialized in genetics. She told me that even though I was positive, it was a low positive and the chances were very small anything was wrong with my baby. Today, I have a perfect, beautiful 2 1/2 year old little girl who DOES NOT HAVE DOWN'S! Take that everyone who told me I had to abort!

Age: 45
Location: Portage, IN
Date: March 8, 2012

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