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Birth Story: Houston, TX

Submitted to Abort73 by a 31-year-old man on August 25, 2011.


Houston summers are hot...really hot. This particular summer would especially make me sweat. It was 1997 and I was turning 17. I had friends, youth, and a brave heart that was ready to take on the world. All that was about to change.

My girlfriend and I just finished our junior year of high school and we were ready to embrace the full like of a senior. From the parties to the senior trips, we were excited to begin our final year of high school. This was going to be all about us, right?

Things began to change as my girlfriend began feeling really sick one night. She took medicine but the pain persisted and we tried everything hoping that it was just something she ate and things would get back to normal. She ended up at the doctor's office with her mom and after running a few tests, she got the news she least expected...she was pregnant. I remember receiving the phone call from the office. I was in my room and as soon as I heard those words, my knees buckled and I nearly fell to the floor. I was in a state of shock. On top of that, my girlfriend told me she couldn't talk and just like that, she was gone.

From that point on, her parents made it clear that we were not to speak to each other. In fact, her dad made it known that he really didn't care for me at this point. He language was a little more colorful and forceful. It took a few weeks but I broke the news to my parents. They were shocked but supportive. Through all of this, I managed to talk to my girlfriend and this was the first time the word came up…abortion.

It crossed our minds because like I mentioned earlier, our senior year was fast approaching and it was all about us. Not only that but what would our friends think? What about our future plans? What about our fun trips that we planned?

Thankfully, by God's grace, my girlfriend had a conversation with a pastor whom convinced her to have the baby. I admit, I wasn't sure what to think at the time but I respected the decision and we decided we would get through this together. So we braced ourselves for our senior year…

Needless to say, we made it through 1998…all of us. Rather than the pain and guilt that would’ve come with the abortion, God gave us a precious and beautiful 13-year-old daughter. I can’t imagine my life without her. If your life has turned out differently, know that God has extended mercy to you in Christ Jesus. His grace is sufficient to save you and wash away all that you’ve done.


Age: 31
Location: Houston, TX
Date: August 25, 2011

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