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#abortionstories @abort73


Abortion Story: Ontario, Canada

Submitted to Abort73 by a 22-year-old woman on April 8, 2011


When I was 17, I got pregnant. My boyfriend and I were ready to keep the baby, and even broke the news to both families. His family was so excited to be grandparents. My family wasn't so excited. My mom was ready to stand by me in whatever I decided, but was very disappointed that we hadn't been taking the proper precautions. My dad was another story. He was dead set on having an abortion. He pressured me everyday and when I told him that I didn't know what I was gonna do, he would not speak to me for the rest of the night. One day, I decided to tell him that I was gonna keep it, and he flew off the handle about it and left the house slamming the door behind him. I will never forget that day. Just knowing that I had disappointed him so much, I flipped my decision and scheduled an abortion. After having it, everything seemed fine...but that didn't last very long. I spiraled into a depression and my life was out of my control. There was and still is never a day that goes by that I don't think about my little one that could have been, and I regret ever listening to my parents' pressure to take away that tiny life I had inside of me. There are no words to explain the hurt I have suffered through for the years that have gone by since the procedure. Eventually, everything I had, including my boyfriend, who had became tired of my behavior, left me. I never told him about anything that had happened, including the abortion, and claimed that I miscarried. I never had anyone to talk to about it because I was so ashamed. This is my first time being able to open up about it to anyone. So please, anyone even considering, think about what this will affect in the long run. R.I.P. little one.

Age: 22
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date: April 8, 2011

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