Abort73.com > Feedback > Abortion Stories > November 24, 2010

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Abortion Story: Vine Grove, KY

Submitted to Abort73 by a 24-year-old woman on November 24, 2010


Three months after I lost my virginity, I became pregnant. I was shocked! I never thought that would happen to me! See, I was always the responsible one. I even waited until I was 18 to lose my virginity, solely because I believed that as an adult, I would be able to handle the consequences of my actions. WRONG! I had no idea what it was to be responsible until I realized that I was going to have to take care of another life. I cried and then contacted the father, who had just told me he loved me for the first time not but one or two weeks prior. I informed him that I was pregnant and then we hung up. After that he would not return my calls and so I would go to his barracks (he was a Marine) to find him and the Staff Duty would always turn me away; saying "he is not here right now". I finally had to get his chain of command involved to even sit down and discuss our next step. He then told me to get an abortion. It was obvious that I was going to be in this alone. I was so scared and unprepared, so I decided to get the abortion as soon as I could in order to avoid "it" turning into a baby, or so I thought. I went to Planned Parenthood and started the process. The one thing that stuck out in my mind is they stated multiple times that MOST women are relieved once the surgery is complete. This made me think that I would be too. I was told that the soonest I could have the procedure done was at 9 weeks along. I waited and then had the procedure. Shortly thereafter, I read that the baby had a heartbeat. I was devastated. I then realized that I had killed a living human being! From time to time, I still think of what might have been. Its a horrible feeling and so I tell my story whenever appropriate. No matter how they see me, if I can help one person avoid making the same decision, then at least my horrible mistake will keep another from happening.

Age: 24
Location: Vine Grove, KY
Date: November 24, 2010

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