Abort73.com > Feedback > Abortion Stories > November 16, 2007

#abortionstories @abort73


Abortion Story: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Submitted to Abort73 by a 30-year-old woman on November 16, 2007


When I was 19, I had an abortion. I am now 30 and this is the first time that [I've seen what abortion does]!!! It all started nice; my boy friend was my life. I put him first in my life instead of God. At first, we were very happy about [the pregnancy]... I was in shock but I wanted this baby... The next day he told his parents and was never the same again... he started to hit me in the stomach and was very angry all the time; he was telling me that "we're going to get married and then have our children". He was calling me every moment of the day to make sure I would not change my mind (about having the abortion)! I did not but still didn't want to go through with this. We went to the local teen counselors and they did nothing but encourage me to go through with it!! I still remember the day that I had to go into the office and always will. I was waiting; I just wanted to run, but [my boyfriend] was in the office's waiting room; I felt all alone and scared!!! I remember the doctor putting what looked like a cinnamon stick inside me. That's what started the whole thing!! The next morning I had to go to the doctor. It was only a day surgery and my boyfriend came and picked me up. I was a mess, I felt as if someone had robbed me, stole from me and took away a part of my body!! I felt broken down, bested and disgusted!!! I went into depression for about 5 years...You have to understand, I was christian since the age of 9, and I love kids. I was the kind of girl that did not believe in this!!!! Where was my support?? Where was my church?? Where was the help I needed???

Age: 30
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Date: November 16, 2007

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