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Abortion Story

Submitted to Abort73 by a -year-old woman on November 14, 2006


I was 15 years old when I became pregnant by a 23 year old man. When I told him I was pregnant, he told me I had to have an abortion. At the time, I felt so alone and helpless that I agreed to the abortion. I think that I was at 22 weeks of gestation at the time of the abortion. After the abortion was performed, I was told there were twins. Since then, I have felt an enormous guilt. I didn't know how abortions were performed. I used to think that babies didn't feel anything until they were born. At the time, I didn't know the terrible mistake that I was making and that it was going to haunt me forever. I feel so sorry for what I did. If I had known how abortion is done, I never would have agreed to it. Now I have two children, but both of them were premature babies... I could not have a normal pregnancy due to the abortion I had 13 years ago. It is hard to know that I had an abortion. I feel like a monster. How could I have caused such horrible deaths to my other children? I just hope that God forgives me for my horrible sin.

Date: November 14, 2006

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