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He screamed at me to abort it. I was heartbroken. I was crying nonstop...

Abortion Story: Hammond, IN

Submitted to Abort73 by a 25-year-old woman on June 14, 2019


I am 25 years old. I found out I was pregnant on April 29, 2019. At first I was scared but then overwhelmed with joy. I’ve always wanted to be a mother. Unfortunately, I was unemployed at the time, and my boyfriend was working almost 80 hours a week and still not making ends meet. Paying all our or bills was hard on him, so me getting pregnant couldn’t come at a worse time. At first, he told me that it was my decision—which is was—but that he would support me with whatever I chose. I cried when I found out, but I knew deep in my heart that I wanted to keep my baby. Then a week later he came home and told me we couldn’t do this. Our income couldn’t support a child. He screamed at me to abort it. I was heartbroken. I was crying nonstop because I wanted and needed his support. I never had a father in my life, and my mother and I never really had the best relationship. I had some other family members that offered to help me, but I wanted my boyfriend on my side more than anything. I wanted a family.

I cried and was devastated every day because I was afraid. At one point my boyfriend even told me that if I kept the baby he would leave the relationship. I was afraid to go through the pregnancy alone and be a single mom, especially with no income or stability.

I feel so much regret because I wish I was stronger. I took away my baby’s life because I wasn’t strong enough. I feel so much resentment towards my boyfriend and it’s caused a downwards spiral in our relationship. I also had to go to the hospital because my pregnancy wasn’t fully terminated. I almost bled out and was mortified in the hospital knowing that I still had pregnancy tissue in me. I had to go under, and it was the scariest and saddest moment of my life. I do my best to not think about it, but I am broken. I wish I was stronger before. I wish I didn’t let his words take away what would’ve been the greatest gift of my life.

I feel anger/depression/sadness/suicidal/resentment etc. every day since I had the procedure. Please, if anyone can read my story and you are pregnant: Do NOT get an abortion. You will feel empty and alone and always think of your unborn baby. If I can get any positivity out of this situation, it would be to inform pregnant women in a similar situation to mine that it is OKAY to be scared, and it is OKAY if the father doesn’t want to be supportive. It’s devasting, but stay strong. Pray to God. He will get you through it.

Age: 25
Location: Hammond, IN
Date: June 14, 2019

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