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#abortionstories @abort73

I don't want other girls/women to go through all the pain and sorrow I've been through...

Abortion Story: Mar del Plata, Argentina

Submitted to Abort73 by a 23-year-old woman on March 23, 2018


This is the first time I’ve opened up about my feelings after having an abortion, and I feel it's time to do so, since in my country the legalization of abortion is being debated and is likely to get legalized, due to the pressure of feminist groups, and because I don't want other girls/women to go through all the pain and sorrow I've been through. For most of my life, I lived in Miami because of my father's job. When I was 17, I got pregnant by a guy I barely knew and turned out to be a jackass. I didn't know what to do. My parents would've been very pissed if they found out. I was too scared.

A little after I found out I was pregnant, my sister found out as well, and she offered to take me to a Planned Parenthood clinic that was close to our house, or otherwise tell my parents when they came back from a trip. I accepted. After that, it didn't take long before the guilt came to me, and my relationship with my sister got pretty bad. Actually, I had an addiction to alcohol, dropped-out from school and got into a severe depression that I could not overcome.

Nowadays, me and my family are back in Argentina, and I forgave my sister, who told me she is really sorry and that she regrets driving me to the clinic instead of telling our parents. I felt like we had to tell them, so we did when we met some months ago.

Age: 23
Location: Mar del Plata, Argentina
Date: March 23, 2018

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