Abortion Story
Submitted to Abort73 by a -year-old woman on August 1, 2005
On March 26, 1998 I had an abortion. I was in nursing school at the time and my husband and I were struggling financially. We had two boys already, and I was getting my nursing degree because I wanted to provide a better life for all of us... [At the clinic, my husband and I] were both counseled together. The counselor could see I was crying and upset, but all she said was, "You can have a baby when the time is right". I told her I would not be able to live with myself, and that didn't even register with her... [In the procedure room, I asked the nurse], "How can you do this everyday?", she said, "Because I'm helping women.", I said, "This isn't helping me." Then the practitioner of death walked in. He had a mask on, and I could only see his eyes... I was so upset. He started, and it was so painful and violent. I hyperventilated; the nurse said, "You're breathing like your in labor, hold your breath and then release on the count of five". So, I did. It was then over. I felt like I had been mechanically raped. The abortionist left the room.... [Soon afterwards] I began to drink, I became depressed and cheated on my husband. I began to blame him. I thought if he had been "more of a man", he wouldn't have let me go through an abortion. Well, three years of this went on and I laid in bed. I couldn't work, I was completely dysfunctional.
Date: August 1, 2005
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