Abort73.com > Feedback > Abortion Stories > July 14, 2005

#abortionstories @abort73

Not a day goes by that I don't think about what my child, God's child, would have looked like...

Abortion Story

Submitted to Abort73 by a 33-year-old woman on July 14, 2005


Two years ago I had an abortion. I made so many excuses as to why my abortion was "acceptable." I was eight-weeks along when I terminated my child. After viewing your pictures and video I am all the more convinced that I committed murder. I'm thankful that I now am washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, and that his mercy endures forever. But not a day goes by that I don't think about what my child, God's child, would have looked like. I destroyed a spirit that would have had a purpose on earth.

Age: 33
Date: July 14, 2005

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