Abort73.com > Feedback > Abortion Stories > January 26, 2016

#abortionstories @abort73

Do not kill your own child. You'll live to regret it like me. I'm always sad inside, even when I'm smiling on the outside...

Abortion Story: Boonville NY

Submitted to Abort73 by a 67-year-old woman on January 26, 2016


I had three abortions during my life and three children. I still can't believe what I've done. I feel like I murdered three innocent people. It should never have come to that. That's the purpose of my writing now. There isn't a woman alive who would choose abortion if she had good health care in the first place, and great birth control, and enough education to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Think about it. Who in their right mind would choose abortion? No one. It's a desperate last ditch measure taken by a woman who has no alternatives. It's either a situation of no money, no family, or no man standing by her. No woman alive would choose abortion if she had a supportive and loving family and partner who were waiting for her to get pregnant to carry on the family name. I'm afraid we've all been hoodwinked into believing this is a right that we are entitled to have. It's not. We do not have the right to take an innocent baby's life, no matter who we are. We are victimized by our own country which does not supply its population with good education about our own body processes.

When I was 17 my mother gave me a book called "On Becoming a Woman." That stupid book said a woman can only get pregnant two weeks after her period, so I figured I could experiment. What the heck did I know about pregnancy? I had my first baby. She was born before abortions were available. She had a hard life—the victim of a terrible childhood with major illness and a broken home. That's what a forced marriage did to her life. She's already passed away at only 45 years old, and here I am still alive, grieving.

Please, realize you do not deserve, none of us do, the right to pick life or death for your own flesh and blood, and it would never have come to that if you had known how to prevent pregnancy correctly. Stop and think. If you're pregnant, please carry your baby. Give it up for adoption. Do not kill your own child. You'll live to regret it like me. I'm always sad inside, even when I'm smiling on the outside.

Age: 67
Location: Boonville NY
Date: January 26, 2016

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