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#abortionstories @abort73

I cry as I tell you my story. I can't change my fate, but the rest of you can...

Abortion Story: Cuyahoga, OH

Submitted to Abort73 by a 36-year-old woman on November 25, 2015


I'm a single mother of three beautiful children. At the time of my abortion, I was 35. My abortion experience was terrible. I have been with my children's dad off and on for almost 19 years, but one of the times we were still together he was messing around with another woman. I was very upset with him, so I decided to start seeing other people. The guy that I was dating was an older man who cared more about me than I cared for him. We began having a sexual relationship, and I became pregnant. I knew I had to make a very hard decision. I wasn't going to be with this man for the rest of my life; I was only doing this to get back at my longtime lover for hurting me. I ended up doing the same thing to the older gentlemen because he didn't want me to abort his baby. I decided to have an abortion against the father's wishes. I had the procedure done at a clinic in Akron, OH. It’s about an hour away from Cleveland. The doctor had a lot of patients to see—some he was moving pretty quickly—so when it was my turn, I was very nervous. I had never done anything like that before, and when it was over I complained about some pain and feeling sick. The recovery room nurse told me it was normal to feel that way after the operation, so I went back home to Cleveland, not knowing the damage and danger this doctor had done to me. My family found me unresponsive. I had to be flown by a helicopter to Cleveland. I was taken to the ER where they performed an emergency hysterectomy and salpingectomy. I almost died due to the fact that the doctor perforated my uterus and bowel. I'm only telling my story for young teenagers and young women around the world. Make sure to [think about what you’re doing]. I can never give the gift of life anymore, and I'm saddened every day for the choice I made. If I could go back and change things, I would, and I would have a beautiful baby girl or boy. My baby would be a month and 10 days old as of today. I cry as I tell you my story. I can't change my fate, but the rest of you can. Please, Please, Please may sure your mind is clear and think for yourself! I will regret my decision for the rest of my life. Part of me really died with my baby. But I have chosen to live for my children and my family and friends. May GOD Bless us all in our moments of weakness and bad decision making. God will forgive you if you allow him to.

Age: 36
Location: Cuyahoga, OH
Date: November 25, 2015

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