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#abortionstories @abort73

Make no mistake. Your baby will be your baby FOREVER, regardless of what you choose to do...

Abortion Story: United States

Submitted to Abort73 by a 51-year-old woman on June 25, 2015


I've had three abortions and one miscarriage. My first abortion was when I was 16 years old. In addition, I joined the National Organization for Women in my mid-twenties and became the chair for “reproductive freedom.” I advocated abortion, wrote pro-abortion articles, and rallied and marched for abortion rights. One of my duties involved busing abortion rights advocates down to Washington, DC. In other words, I took an active part in a genocide.

As naïve as this sounds, I thought I was doing good. I’m a staunch feminist. I believed since legal personhood did not begin until birth, life really did not begin until birth. Unplanned pregnancy was not a "burden" a woman should have to "suffer.”

I now know otherwise. Even an unplanned pregnancy is an incredible joy!

Jesus has shown me all I have done. Through my words and actions I'm directly and indirectly responsible for killing 10 people. Incredibly, He has forgiven me. This is the meaning of His work on the cross. He has taken my sins and placed them upon Himself, so I can now have a relationship with God.

And, as incredible as this sounds, the people I have harmed are fine. To understand, you would need to cry out to God, and call on Jesus.

We must treat each other as God treats us, as He treats those who love Him. And, although society acts otherwise, God knows a woman does not get pregnant alone. He knows who gets who pregnant. There is an extremely high price paid for men not leading, but ruling, over women.

We are actually quite fortunate. God loves us so much. He cares about the very smallest of us, even those of us society considers to be "throwaways." We are all reverently and wonderfully created. Each of us is very precious in His eyes.

Although I'm saved, I deeply regret all I have done. I don't want the same for you. Whatever your circumstances, have your baby. Make no mistake. Your baby will be your baby FOREVER, regardless of what you choose to do.

Age: 51
Location: United States
Date: June 25, 2015

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