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My baby had a face, hands, legs, spine and a body that was ripped apart limb by limb by the adults that I trusted my care to...

Abortion Story: New Jersey

Submitted to Abort73 by a 47-year-old woman on September 28, 2014


I had just turned 17 and was love with my boyfriend of a year when I got pregnant. I was still in high school. My thought process at that age was no more than, “I can't tell my mom, (I must) get rid of the problem.” I was too immature to realize that it was a life inside of me—a precious gift from GOD—NEVER To be duplicated again. I turned to my boyfriend who was 20 and told him that we couldn't tell my mom. He said, “I support your decision whatever it is.” He took me to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provided no counseling or options and asked no questions. They only comforted me by saying that it was only a “bunch of tissue,” like polyps—no big deal. We ended the life of my baby. I did leave with one thing, a doctor’s note for school saying that I had polyps removed. I now realize fully what the abortion procedure really does—that it is NOT NOW, NOR THEN, NOR EVER only a “bunch of tissue or polyps.” My baby had a face, hands, legs, spine and a body that was ripped apart limb by limb by the adults that I trusted my care to. After years of suppression, I now grieve more and more every day. I grieve because I don't even know the DATE that I killed my baby. I want to say to that 17 year old kid, “STOP AND THINK!” If I knew then what I know now, I would never have made that choice. I can only claim ignorance and find comfort that my child, whether girl or boy, is now with their TRUE PARENT. They were only on loan to me. What I am left with is the brutal reality that I never got a chance to know, love, learn, and grow with my own child. I am the loser. All I can say to my child now is, “I am sorry, forgive me for I knew not what I was doing.” The one thing I can do to honor them is to fight for the rest of my days for other women and their unborn children, and this is what I am doing.

Age: 47
Location: New Jersey
Date: September 28, 2014

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