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Abortion Story: Virginia

Submitted to Abort73 by a 38-year-old woman on March 6, 2013


I have two children who are 8 & 17. I've also had three abortions. Although I believe it's a personal choice to make for a woman, I don't think enough is explained about the emotional/mental issues that can occur after an abortion, especially in a woman who was not or still is not confident that abortion was the right thing to do but ended up having one. Having the child and raising it isn't easy either. It's a hard, unappreciated "job," literally 24 hours a day for 18 plus years. There just needs to be more education on the reality of both, plus on adoption also (I was adopted as a baby and have had some issues regarding being an adoptee). So obviously, in some situations no answer/decision is the perfect or even good one. So I guess that means to avoid putting yourself in the situation of having to choose one of those. Easier said than done of course, but thats not reality. I regret the abortions I had. I wish I never had to make that decision. I could have/should have avoided it. I don't regret having my children. My circumstances were far from perfect and still could be better even now, but they are my babies, my life purpose through good and bad.

Age: 38
Location: Virginia
Date: March 6, 2013

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