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#abortionstories @abort73


Abortion Story: Houston, TX

Submitted to Abort73 by a 20-year-old woman on January 5, 2013


I'm 20 years old, and my story started when I was 16 years old. I was in the 10th grade. I was very much in love even though my boyfriend abused me and hurt me horribly. I decided to get an abortion, not for me but to hurt him. I also was going through so much morning sickness, I couldn't even handle it. I got an abortion which I thought was the right thing, but obviously it wasn't. It brought three years of depression and self hatred… At the age of 19, I found out I was pregnant again by a friend who laced weed on me… I didn't know what to do. My only option was to get another abortion. I hate myself every day. I moved to a new city and and now I'm pregnant again… Me and my boyfriend are having major problems, [but] I think I could not live with another abortion... I have a job and I'm in college my boyfriend isn't doing anything. I think maybe god wants me to see I can deal with this. I'm 6 weeks pregnant and I'm starting to love my baby but some bad feeling tells me not to do it. I have been going through things my whole life, getting taken advantage of and feeling like nobody loves me or cares for me. I hate myself but if I have the baby, maybe I could be the strong person god has always wanted to be… Sometimes you have to realize everything happens for a reason. Im pregnant and alone again, but at least I know I'll survive, accepting my mistakes even if it takes me crying every day and being depressed.

Age: 20
Location: Houston, TX
Date: January 5, 2013

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