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#abortionstories @abort73


Abortion Story: Oregon, USA

Submitted to Abort73 by a 21-year-old woman on June 29, 2012


In January 2012, my period was 2 weeks late, and I was noticing lots of changes going on with my body so I went to the store, and I took not one but 5 pregnancy tests. Every single one was positive. When I first got the result I was terrified but excited for my baby at the same time. The next night I told the baby's dad and he was in shock, but after he got over the initial fear he was excited too. We started making plans for the baby and applied for health insurance, but I was keeping this big secret from my parents. I'm a college student at a big university and my parents help to pay for my tuition and my housing bills, so I knew I was going to have to tell them about my pregnancy. In March, when I was 11 weeks pregnant, I texted my mom and told her, "I'm pregnant and I want to make the best of this situation." My mom called me and told me she would support any decision I wanted to make, but she said "please consider abortion." I told my mom every day that I didn't want an abortion, I wanted to raise my child, but every time I told my mom she got more and more angry at me.

I soon learned that I wasn't going to have any say in what happened to my baby.

When I was 12 weeks pregnant, my mom called Planned Parenthood to schedule an abortion for me. My mom and dad both told me I was too young, too poor, and too immature to raise a baby. They said that I would have to quit school and they said that my boyfriend was going to ditch me, and I would be a single mom even though he promised to stay with me.

On the day of my scheduled abortion appointment, I called my mom before going to the clinic and I begged her to support me and let me keep the baby but she refused. I felt emotionally drained and broken and I know I should have stood up for my beliefs and for my baby, but I didn't. When I walked into the procedure room I touched my belly one last time and apologized to my little baby.

I will never forget that day in March. I was 13 weeks pregnant and was considered a "late term abortion." That day was the worst day of my life. I miss my little angel every day, and right now I would have been 27 weeks pregnant, and I wish I was. But I know I can't take back what I did, I just pray that one day I will find peace and that my little angel will forgive me.

My boyfriend is still with me and we talk about our baby often; we cry together frequently, and we miss our child everyday.  This whole experience has encouraged us to choose to become Pro-Life, and I hope that by sharing my story I can encourage other girls to stand up for their rights and not let their parents or anyone else force them into an abortion.

Age: 21
Location: Oregon, USA
Date: June 29, 2012

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