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Abortion Story: Queens, NY

Submitted to Abort73 by a 31-year-old woman on June 21, 2012


I aborted my baby in May of 2011. It was the worst choice I ever made. I was in a terrible relationship, and I should have just got up and got on a bus and left. But I didn't. There was a last minute angel who gave me a way out, but I didn't take it. I could have moved to the country and gone to school and had my own apartment, but I didn't. So I killed you, and ever since then I have regretted what I did. The love that was inside me for you was so different than anything I'd experienced. Now I look at abortion websites all of the time and baby clothes and imagine the life I wish I had been able to give to you. Every day is empty. To anyone out there considering abortion, DON'T DO IT. You will feel so bad that you will have nothing to compare it to. And if you look on the websites about children's development you will find out that your fetus was really a tiny baby. And that is what the baby will look like. They cannot perform the abortion until you are at least seven weeks along. So it will look like a baby by then. Don't be like me.

Age: 31
Location: Queens, NY
Date: June 21, 2012

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