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#abortionstories @abort73


Abortion Story: Goldsboro, NC

Submitted to Abort73 by a 16-year-old woman on April 21, 2012


I just had an abortion 11 days ago. My boyfriend is 21; we have been steady for several months now and are planning on getting engaged before he leaves to go to Basic Training. I kept having stomach pains, and he encouraged me to get a test. The night before I took the test we laid in bed and discussed the possibilities. He said that abortion was the best way to go because of my age and his job situation. He said it wasn't time. I told him I didn't believe in abortion, and I wasn't sure if I could even handle it - if I could emotionally tolerate myself afterwards. He assured me I wouldn't be doing it alone... When I [reminded] him that he [told me he wouldn't leave me] regardless of my ultimate choice... I knew he wasn't happy. I wanted to keep it. I knew that this feeling would be here, but (I told myself) it was selfish for me to keep it [since he didn't want me to]... I went in last Wednesday and I cried the whole time; I hated every minute of it. I've cried almost every day since then. When I hear someone talk about babies or being pregnant, it tears a hole in my heart. I may not be ready, I know I'm not. But that wasn't the right thing to do; I regret it every single day. I'll never know what could have been. I could have pulled together and given that child all the love I had... I'll never know if it had my eyes, or his lips, or what kind of person it would have become. Anyone debating getting an abortion, IF YOU ARE NOT ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE THAT THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT, THEN DON'T, DON'T DO IT. If abortion is not something you WANT, then you won't be happy with it afterwards; it's not gonna go away like a bad day. It will be there forever. It's a terrible, terrible feeling.

Age: 16
Location: Goldsboro, NC
Date: April 21, 2012

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