Abort73.com > Feedback > Abortion Stories > February 22, 2012

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Abortion Story

Submitted to Abort73 by a 16-year-old woman on February 22, 2012


I was 15 when I had an abortion. When I got pregnant, I was scared to tell anyone and I decided to tell my granny instead of my mom. I was against abortion, and I told my granny I wouldn't get one, and she blew up with anger towards me. It seemed like I was the only one who knew it was a bad decision. My boyfriend was against it too until I told him how my granny reacted and then he just told me to get an abortion because he didn't want my family to look at him different. I started feeling confused and angry because I didn't want one done. I knew it was my decision, but my boyfriend saying that just made my choice change. We told my mom and she was upset, but she took it better than I thought. A few days later we went to the clinic. When I was about to give the lady the money, my boyfriend told me to not get one anymore and I was angry because it was last minute. I still ended up doing it and got an ultrasound picture. Just looking at it puts tears down my face. I know I was young, but I don't think it's right to take a life. I regret doing it still, and I hope I can be able to have kids in the future with him. That abortion was the worst thing I've ever had to go through, and it breaks me apart everyday I hate having to live with this guilt. :'(

Age: 16
Date: February 22, 2012

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